The kids and I just got back from traveling across the state for the past ten days! Our trip started on Friday, May 9th as we headed down to Fort Worth for our nephew, Jamison's first birthday party that was on Saturday. We rode the train at the zoo and had a great time!
For mother's day I wanted to go to the Ranger game. (Another reason why Matt married well!) So the four of us along with Grandpa (Matt's dad) and cousin Noah headed off to the game. It may have been the best weather for a ballgame that I have ever been to! It was amazing! We wore our matching jerseys that say Bartosiewicz on the back! I had wonderful pictures of the kids eating nachos, cotton candy, hot dogs, popcorn, and sodas! And no one even got sick! (Don't start e-mailing me on what a terrible mother I was a ballgame!)
Monday Matt flew back to Booker, (someone's got to earn some money!) Tuesday I had school board training in Commerce. It's about an hour outside of Dallas. By the way, I've been elected to the school board!
Wednesday the kids and I took off solo to join my parents who were vacationing in San Antonio. Thursday we spent the day at Sea World. I had some great pictures there too!
On Friday we all headed over to the Houston area. My brother lives on Lake Conroe just north of Houston. He's been there a year now, and we've never been down to visit. It's about a 12 hour trip from Booker, and it just never seems like a good idea with two kids!
Saturday we all went out on the lake because Tristan wanted Uncle Eric to take her fishing! Preston, who understandably is exhausted by this point in the trip is not sure if he likes this rocking boat thing. I'm snapping away pictures of Tristan fishing, and he has a fit for the camera. Wanting to keep him from screaming as we are not the only ones fishing in the area...I let him hold it. I mean what could he really do while he is sitting on my lap? Delete all my pictures, that's what!
I'm in the process of trying to do some data recovery and see if I can get any of them back. But, I don't know how successful I will be! We did get some great fishing pictures with Uncle's camera, so I'll try to get those up soon!
Sunday we tried to relax and recover a little. Preston got to take a real nap in a bed! On Monday we came all the way home. All in all, we missed Daddy terribly, but had a great time. It is nice to be back home though!